
Archive for February, 2010

There is a lot of myths and controversies about breastfeeding and alcohol.

 Current research says that occasional use of alcohol ( 1-2 drinks) is not harmful to the nursing baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs classifies alcohol (ethanol) as a “Maternal Medication Usually Compatible With Breastfeeding.” In plain English, what they recommend is ‘if you are sober enough to drive, you are sober enough to breastfeed’.

So exactly how much are you allowed to drink? Current medical experts recommend that a breastfeeding mother should not drink more than 1-2 units of alcohol per week. A breastfeeding mother should also avoid breastfeeding 2-3 hours after drinking alcohol. Less than 2% of alcohol consumed reaches her breast milk.

There are some myths about drinking and breastfeeding. The first being, that you can get rid of the alcohol in your breast milk by first expressing and then feeding baby later. There is no need to pump & dump milk after drinking alcohol, other than for mom’s comfort — pumping & dumping does not speed the elimination of alcohol from the milk. Another myth sometimes espoused is that drinking will increase your milk supply. This is not true; in fact, it has been shown to reduce the amount of milk produced.

If you do drink alcohol whilst breastfeeding your baby you should bear in mind the amount you drink and the age of the infant.

A newborn has a very immature liver, so minute amounts of alcohol would be more of a burden. At this important stage of liver development ( up untill aout 3 months) trying to abstain from alcohol as much as you can  will help your baby’s body to concentrate on important system developments rather then on eliminating alcohol, causing undue stress on his undeveloped liver.  Up until around 3 months of age, infants detoxify alcohol at around half the rate of an adult. An older baby or toddler can metabolize the alcohol more quickly.

Here are some of the effects that drinking has on breastfeeding;

** 2+ drinks may inhibit let-down(Coiro et al 1992; Cobo 1974).

** One study showed changes in the infant’s sleep-wake patterning after short-term exposure to small amounts of alcohol in breastmilk — infants whose mothers were light drinkers slept less (Mennella & Gerrish 1998).

** Daily consumption of alcohol has been shown in the research to increase the risk for slow weight gain in the infant.

** Daily consumption of alcohol (1+ drinks daily) has been associated with a decrease in gross motor development (Little et al 1989).

Heavy drinkers or alcoholics who breastfeed should “abstain from drinking alcohol until their babies are weaned” the Recovery Emporium suggests. It is especially important that women abstain from drinking alcohol during the baby’s first 6 weeks of life. For mother’s who are heavy drinkers it is better to breastfeed during the those weeks, rather than stopping and using milk formula, even if they can’t stop drinking altogehter. A baby gets so much protection against infection from drinking its mother’s milk.

If a mother must drink alcohol, it is best to drink after the baby has been breastfed. What is important is that mothers with drink problems seek and get the support they need from health professionals, friends and family.

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